
Dec. 2024: Dr. Xiao gave an invited talk at The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2024  (Waimea, HI) about high-performance THz optoelectronics enabled by 2D quantum materials .

Dec. 2024: Dr. Xiao gave an invited talk at 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, MA) about topological and ferroelectric properties in 2D materials for strong THz light-matter interaction.

Sep. 2024: Dr. Xiao gave an invited talk at XII Ultrafast dynamics & Metastability and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics Conference (Tucson, AZ) about our discovery of THz optoelectronics and ultrafast dynamics in 2D topological semimetals.

Aug. 2024: Fan’s first-author paper is published on Nano Letters (IF ~ 11) and featured by the journal cover. We found the large and strain tunable spin-mechanical coupling in 2D antiferromagnet CrSBr by nano opto-electro-mechanical resonators. The work will pave the way for further quantum transduction exploration. Congratulations to Fan and co-authors!

July 2024: Layla presented her research on stacking ferroelectrics in campus-wide REU Poster Session.

June 2024: Welcome Sujan joining our group for postdoctoral research! Welcome Layla joining our group for REU program!

May 2024: Carter was awarded the NGPT-Grainger Institute for Engineering student award for his work on stacking engineering of 2D ferroelectricity and magnetism.

Apr. 2024: Welcome Jack joining our group for Ph.D. study and research!

Mar. 2024: Tairan gave his presentation at APS March 2024 meeting. His talk is about high-performance THz sensing using topological layered materials.

Feb. 2024: Dr. Xiao gave an invited talk at ACerS EMA 2024 about our discovery of large spin-mechanical coupling in 2D vdW magnets using nano optomechanical cavity, which is a critical step towards using 2D materials for classical and quantum transduction.

Jan. 2024: Carter’s first-author paper has been published on Chemical Reviews (IF ~ 72) and featured as the cover. Congratulations to Carter and all other co-authors!

Dec. 2023: We are grateful to receive a 3-year grant from Office of Naval Research. We look forward to working with ONR on high-performance THz optoelectronics!

Nov. 2023: Dr. Xiao gave a lightening talk at AFRL Networking Event at UW-Madison.

Oct. 2023:  Fan was awarded the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award to support his presentation at MRS Fall 2023 meeting. He will talk about our exciting work on optomechanical study of 2D magnetic membranes.

Aug. 2023: Dr. Xiao gave an invited talk at ACCGE-23 about emergent layered topological semimetals for novel electronics and optoelectronics.

June 2023: Welcome Alexa and Bea to joining our lab for summer REU program.

June 2023: Our winning NSF MRSEC center re-competition has been officially announced. Our group is proud to be part of the center for the following six years and beyond.  We look forward to working with our colleagues on ultrafast physics in strained magnetic membranes!

Feb. 2023: Welcome Carter joining our group for Ph.D. study and research!

Feb. 2023: Dr. Xiao won the prestigious 2023 NSF CAREER Award!

Nov. 2022: Our collaborative team has been selected as one of the eight finalists from more than 200 ideas for 2022 EPiQS flexible funding, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation!

Oct. 2022: Welcome Shloka, Chris, Belal, and Muaz joining our group via the URS program!

Aug. 2022: Welcome Tairan and Fan joining our group for Ph.D. study and research!

June 2022: Dr. Xiao gave a talk at PEC 2022 and won FECS 2022 Physical Electronics Conference Mini-Grant.

May 2022: Dr. Xiao participated in “WiscProf: Future Faculty in Engineering” workshop to provide scholars from traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM the foundation for a successful faculty career in an engineering discipline.

May 2022: Welcome Peggy joining our group for summer and fall undergraduate research; Farewell party for Wenxu and multi-group picnic.

May 2022: Ultrafast lasers are installed!

Apr. 2022: Dr. Xiao attended “Breaking the Bias Habit” workshop hosted by College of Engineering, UW-Madison

Apr. 2022: Our chemical lab is ready for 2D materials preparation and device processing.

Nov. 2021: Lab design finalized and the construction started

Oct. 2021: Dr. Xiao gave talks at AVS 67 virtual symposium and won AVS NSTD Early Career Award (finalists) and AVS EMPD Travel Award!

Oct. 2021: Welcome Anna and Alexis joining our group via the URS program!

Sep. 2021: Welcome Arjun and Wenxu aboard!

Aug. 2021: We are thrilled to start our new labs at UW-Madison. Go Badgers!