
Principal Investigator: Jun Xiao, Ph.D.

Email: jun.xiao AT
Tel: (608) 890-2462
Office: 729 Engineering Research Building
Lab: 602, 614 Engineering Research Building

Mailing Address:
264 Materials Science and Engineering Building
1509 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706


Postdoctoral Researcher

Our lab seeks talented scholars with expertise in ultrafast and nonlinear spectroscopy, optoelectronic devices/THz circuits, 2D quantum materials, laser material processing. Please send Prof. Jun Xiao your full CV via email.

09/2023 one multi-year postdoc position available, starting date is negotiable. Check the flyer here for more details.postdoc position_UWMadison

Graduate Students

The group welcomes motivated students interested in the frontier of quantum materials science, laser spectroscopy technologies, and nanoscale optoelectronic devices.  Academic background in materials science, physics, or a related field is preferred. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Prof. Jun Xiao at with their resumes.

One or two PhD openings for 2024 Spring or Fall admissions. Check the flyer here for more details.Multiple positions in quantum materials and devices

Undergraduate students

We support both project-based internships to put in your resume and long-term research training for graduate school preparation. We are proud to be part of the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program and the MS&E Capstone Projects. Please send your inquiry and resume via email.